Refund Policy/Procedure - International Students
1. Policy

This policy/procedure provides all staff and students information on the refund arrangements that are in place within AOI Institute.

The following procedures ensure all students are treated fairly and with integrity when applying for refunds.

All refunds applications are to be submitted to Student Administration and the following procedures followed in assessing the refund application.All refund information is to be made available to clients prior to enrolment through:

  • Student Information Handbook
  • AOI Institute website
  • The Written Agreement which is completed and signed prior to acceptance into a course of study with AOI Institute

2. Procedure
2.1 Refund Applications

Any student wishing to apply for a refund must complete a refund application by completing and submitting 'Refund Application' via AOI Institute website Completed and signed 'Refund Application Form' (Appendix A) must be uploaded with the Refund Application. The application form can be accessed by:

  • Contacting student administration
  • Accessing the AOI Institute's website
Al refund applications are to be assessed by the Managing Director and applications processed within fourteen (14) days of the application being placed. Where a student is entitled to a refund the Managing Director is required to process the refund payment as required.
Please note :
  • Refunds applications placed after course commencement are only in relation to Tuition Fees. Tuition fees are specified in the Written Agreement and do not include material fees.
  • Where the student breaches the AOI Institute Policies and Procedures no refund is payable.

2.2 Refunds Due to Non Delivery of Course by RTO (Provider Default)

Under section 46A of the ESOS Act an RTO defaults, in relation to an overseas student or intending overseas student and a course at a location, if:

  • the provider fails to start providing the course to the student at the location on the agreed starting day; or
  • after the course starts but before it is completed, it ceases to be provided to the student at the location; and the student has not withdrawn from the course before the default day.

AOI Institute reserves the right to cancel or postpone any courses prior to their scheduled commencement dates, should it be necessary. All course fees (including material fees) are to be refunded in full if the RTO is unable to commence the course as agreed due to unforeseen circumstances. Pre-paid fees may be transferred to an alternative enrolment where the student agrees.

Where AOI Institute is unable to complete the course due to unforeseen circumstances, any 'unused tuition' fees are to be refunded to the student.

Where there is an instance of provider default in the above circumstances, AOI Institute may arrange for another course, or part of a course, to be provided to students at no (extra) cost to the student as an alternative to refunding course money. Where the student agrees to this arrangement, AOI Institute will not be liable to refund the money owed for the original enrolment.

Outline of Provider Default Refund Arrangements
The RTO is unable to commence the course for which the original enrolment and payment has been made. Full refund or alternative placement in a course
The RTO is unable to continue to deliver the course as agreed. Partial refund or alternative placement in a course

2.3 Refunds Based Upon Student Application

Under section 47A of the ESOS Act, an overseas student or intending overseas student defaults, in relation to a course at a location, if:

  • the course starts at the location on the agreed starting day, but the student does not start the course on that day (and has not previously withdrawn); or
  • the student withdraws from the course at the location (either before or after the agreed starting day); or
  • the registered provider of the course refuses to provide, or continue providing, the course to the student at the location because of one or more of the following:
  • the student failed to pay an amount payable to the provider for the course;
  • the student breached a condition of his/her student visa;
  • misbehaviour by the student.
Where a student does not start their course and fails to provide notification there are no refunds of pre-paid fees (unless extenuating circumstances are present).

Where a student is unable to complete their course they may be eligible for a refund of tuition fees. Where a student withdraws from the course without extenuating circumstances only a partial refund is payable.

A refund of tuition fees is only payable in certain circumstances and these circumstances and amounts are provided to students prior to confirming enrolment.

Applications for refunds are to be processed by the Managing Director within 14 days from the date of application.
Please Note: There are no refund arrangements for the following:
  • Administration fee
  • Student Enrolment cancelled due to actions of the student (i.e. breach of enrolment conditions such as course progress or attendance requirements)
  • Withdrawal after course commencement without extenuating circumstances
  • Non-tuition based fees such as material fees provided after course commencement
AOI Institute's refund arrangements are as follows:
Outline of Student Default Refund Arrangements
Visa refused prior to course commencement Full refund
Withdrawal prior to agreed start date Full refund of prepaid tuition fees
Withdrawal after course commencement No Refund of pre-paid fees
Withdrawal after course commencement (with confirmed extenuating circumstances) Refund of unused tuition fees for the terms not commenced

* Students may have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from attending scheduled course dates that may include but are not limited to illness, family or personal matters, or other reasons that are out of the ordinary. Where evidence can be successfully provided to support the student's circumstances, course fees may either be transferred to the next available course where applicable, or a refund of unused course fees will be issued. This decision of assessing the extenuating circumstances rests with the Managing Director and shall be assessed on a case by case situation.

2.4 Appealing Refund Decisions

All students have the right to appeal a refund decision made by AOI Institute by accessing the Complaints and Appeals policy and procedure. Students wishing to submit an appeal of the refund decision should refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

This policy and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the client's right to take action under Australia's consumer protection laws, including but not limited to a statutory cooling-off period, if one applies.

The RTO's dispute resolution processes do not remove the client's right to pursue other legal remedies where they feel necessary.

2.5 Default Notifications (Notifying the TPS of Provider or Student Defaults)

AOI Institute is only required to report a refund provided to an international student where a student's visa is refused. Notification to the Tuition Protection Service must occur within seven (7) days after the default obligation period for payment of the refund. AOI Institute will organise any refunds within 14 days of the default occurring.

As AOI Institute has a compliant written agreement in place there are no other reporting requirements in relation to payment of refunds to International students.

All default notifications and reporting is to be completed through PRISMS & TPS login by the GENERAL MANAGER.

Any provider or student default must be reported by the General Manager as follows:

Provider (RTO) Default:

  • AOI Institute are required to notify the Secretary and the TPS Director within 3 business days if they default - that is, if they are not able to deliver the course to a student as agreed.
  • AOI Institute will also notify all students of the default and refund arrangements that will be applicable to the student within 3 business days.
  • From this default date the provider will then have 14 days to meet their default obligations obligations and provide any relevant refunds.
  • AOI Institute is then required to provide notification to the Secretary and the TPS Director of the outcome of the discharge of the refund obligations - that is to report whether the refund has been made.
Student Default:

To meet Tuition Protection Service (TPS) reporting obligations, providers only need to report on whether they have provided a refund to a student in two cases of student default:
  • where a student's visa is refused, even if there is a compliant written agreement in place
  • where there is no compliant written agreement in place.
Where a compliant written agreement is place, there is no requirement to report any other student defaults and refund arrangements.

Notification to the Tuition Protection Service must occur within seven (7) days after the default obligation period for payment of the refund i.e. report whether the student took the offer of an alternative course or a refund, and, if a refund, how much was paid. AOI Institute will organise any refunds within 14 days of the default occurring.

All default notifications and reporting is to be completed through PRISMS / TPS login by the General Manager.

2.6 Further Information

Where a student application for refund is submitted, all records of the refund application and associated actions are to be maintained in the Refund Register.

The RTO is not able to provide any refunds for fees paid to third parties such as OSHC insurance companies or education agent fees (if applicable).

2.7 Maintaining Records of Refunds

Where a student application for refund is submitted, all records of the refund application and associated actions are to be maintained in the Refund Register. This includes receipts identifying refunds have been paid and any correspondence relating to the refund application.

Any information that the client provides AOI Institute or that AOI Institute collects about the client (including payments and refunds) can be given to authorised State and Commonwealth Agencies such as the Tuition Protection Service.